Dream Book Come True

I received the book at last! It just took me a couple of months waiting ๐Ÿ™‚ Apropos waiting. I find it a great way to prolong joy and happiness. It depends on the type of waiting, of course. But what bothers me is the fast-paced culture we are living in, when everything must happen pronto: fast food, fast fashion, 4G network, 24-hours delivery. Isn’t it crazy how quickly we get used to the speed of things, which would take long time – just a decade ago? And I wonder if with all the bonuses of speed and comfort there are side effects. I find, there are. We get stressed, impatient and ungrateful, when we take the fast delivery for granted. While I want to come to the old-fashioned truth: “Waiting for things is as happy, or maybe more happy, than receiving things”. As we move into the holidays season, it is easy to understand. It is not the Christmas Eve that makes us so happy, but also all those weeks of preparation, hearing Christmas songs, joyful expectation that make the season so priceless. I would not hop directly to the December, 24 now – would you?

So I decided to view waiting for this book as an exercise of joyful expectation. And I enjoyed every bit of it. And, oh, another bonus – the book tastes so much sweeter after all those weeks of waiting. The book I am talking about is “A Paris Year” by Janice MacLeod. I was writing about how she seems to capture my dream of Paris and make it true here. I made a wish for this book for my birthday in September, I made a research about which bookstore in Oslo sells it and got a gift card for it from my friend. Some time after my birthday I joyfully (hopped) walked to that store – and found that the book was not there. Neither was it possible to order it in the online version of that store. So I walked out, sat on the bench, made an order on Amazon – and got an estimated delivery period of almost 2 months. Uii. I could choose the faster option for sure, but I thought: ok, this is a present, it is not something you need urgently, so you can wait and find happiness in it. And guess what – that was worth it. Whenever I would think of the book, I would feel happy. And when it finally arrived last week, I even waited a day to unwrap it. I find this version of events even luckier than if I had found it in the store on that very day.

The book is a visual journal, with some texts, many photographs and watercolors by Janice MacLeod. Janice had a dream to be an artist in Paris, so she saved her money and went there to paint watercolors. She became famous for her hand-painted Paris Letters which she sent to her friends and followers, and which became later a book (and a bestseller) “Paris Letters”. Maybe, that book would be my next dream and waiting ๐Ÿ™‚ But so far I will enjoy “A Paris Year” as much as I can. I love this book. I read a lot of books on Kindle, but this one just had to be in paper. I love its velvety soft cover and how it feels to the hand. I love its drawings and paintings. I love the collections of photos. I feel that it is MY journal, because this is exactly what I would love to do: go to Paris, sip coffee on its terraces and scribble notes in my notebook while trying to taking undercover photos of the people around me.

Voila, le book!

A thing that gives me a sense of recognition is the author’s collections: of nautical signs in architecture, cafe chairs, lettering. My collector soul rejoices. As a child I used to collect buttons, and shells, and chestnuts. And as adult I would collect magazines of a Swedish store which made beautiful photos in exotic locations, pictures from the papers and pretty commercials. Unfortunately, I had to move so much in my life that those collections had to go to the waste. Then I decided to collect things in photos – they don’t take up space. I collected photos of doors, lights, old cars and details of Oslo which were difficult to categorize. All I shared neatly on my Facebook page. Somehow this passion has faded away – but with this book I feel again inspired to browse the streets of my familiar city for more.

Collection of lettering

Another thing that inspires me is how Janice creates a color scheme for every month. Collecting the photos and marking with the watercolors. I was reminded of my search for yellowย this spring, and maybe, it is a good idea to be mindful of the color palette of each season, or each month. I like to go and search – that gives me a sense of adventure and meaning, so why not go and search for color of every month? It is always new ๐Ÿ™‚

the September color scheme

Ah, I just got my hands on this book and already feel like I am eating it in big bites ๐Ÿ™‚ I want to slow down and savor every bit of it. This is just what I need in the season when the color scheme outside of my window becomes black-and-white.

Do you have your favorite books that inspire you with their pictures? What are they about? Fashion, travel, photography? Let’s share the inspiration!

that view when I was ordering the book. Almost Paris here ๐Ÿ™‚


7 thoughts on “Dream Book Come True

  1. This is most excellent: how you chose your present with love, how you were waiting for it, but most of all this: “And when it finally arrived last week, I even waited a day to unwrap it.” I fear this is something that new generations, who want everything immediately, would find hard to understand. I hope it never gets old, the feeling of waiting and the joy when it finally happens. โค

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    • Thank you for your lovely remark, Manja! Yes, it is a weird process, but it adds up on happiness. Today I read that research supports that looking forward to something nice boosts happiness. So I hope, the new generations will listen to research ( or to the wisdom of older ones, i.e. us ๐Ÿ˜ฑ) in their search for happiness. Bc this search will never get out of date ๐Ÿ™‚ so that happy expectation will never get old either, as you say ๐Ÿ˜‰

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  2. Oh this book looks so dreamy, I wish I had been into photography during my years in Paris! Unfortunately, it was the opposite: I had a phase where I was very bored of photography and everything seemed overused, like a clichรฉ. But how I would have enjoyed those photos now! I can’t even remember all the special nooks I found in that city, since they were left undocumented. Oh well, c’est la vie! I will have to look up her Paris Letters for sure!
    And how I love this idea of waiting! So patient you were! I too am waiting for a book actually, nothing as cute and pretty as this one though. My favorite crime writer, Michael Connelly, usually publishes one new book a year. This year he published two and I read one of them. But I still haven’t gotten my hands on the 2nd one. It’s not for sale in Finland but you can order it thru a bookstore, for 20 euros… So I think I’ll turn to Amazon too! A lot cheaper. But I’m waiting a while, so that I can then savour it… ๐Ÿ˜€

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