Late Summer Coffee

The last week of summer is the perfect time for a coffee and a catch-up (in Norway it is called “late summer” but it really reminds more an early autumn). It’s been a while since the last time. Getting back to my favorite format: chatting about everything at once :))

If we were having coffee, I would tell you how I feel about blogging. I’ve been grinding many thoughts about it lately. My biggest revelation is that: I don’t want to work hard on blog because I already have my job. To be honest, when I just started this blog, I was playing with the idea of making it into my income source. I was tired of my career path, unsure where I wanted to move next (a bit burned out and out of motivation). I quit my job, walked into unemployment for several months – and at the same time I started this blog. Of course, I imagined myself being this cool blogger, sitting in some nice Italian inspired cafe, posting exciting content, building my platform (growing popular, oh yes).

With the time I realized there was more work to it than “just create awesome content” (which is the popular advice for new bloggers). First, how do you make it awesome especially when you are new? Second, it is not “just”. There is so much work to it. And I didn’t want to study a new profession and work hard on it (remember, I had just finished working hard and wanted a break). I wanted to play. Then my thoughts were crystallized when I read an Instagram post of a Ukrainian girl who has the following of 100k but doesn’t want to become a blogger. She said: “People say to me: “you have so many followers, why don’t you become a blogger?” But I already have a profession I love. And being a blogger is work, just like any other”. This is when I thought: bingo!

Being a blogger is not what we can imagine. Traveling, taking photos and posting them on the blog over some coffee cup in some hipster place. Where you get discount if you mention them too. It is a job, like any other. You need some form of training or education to do it, you have to learn how to create your blog – but more: how to make money out of it. And then you have to work hard, because it is not 10 years ago when blogging was all fresh and new. There are a lot of people in this industry now, and sometimes they have a professional team behind them, they have built a business, – and you have to compete with them too. So giving advice like “just post regularly and make awesome content” – come on, guys, seriously? Is that’s all what it takes these days?

I have had a period of searching and thinking about work – and this year I started teaching again. I used to teach at the primary school – and now I teach to adults (I teach Norwegian as a foreign language). And I totally love it. I love teaching. I even miss my kids sometimes. But I enjoy the adult groups so much more. And this brought me to the same idea: why learn a new profession (blogger) when I already have a profession I love? I have the formal education, training and experience in it. Why start somewhere else from the scratch? If I wasn’t 100% content with a place where I was (like I was) – well, there are still many other directions in the same job. Why not explore them, why not make an effort getting to another level?

And I have noticed one thing: the more I teach, the more I use my voice in the classroom – the less desire I have to blog. The less I want to use my voice online :)) Soon I will become, maybe, that kind of blogger who posts only photos, hehe. Maybe, there is enough self-expression in teaching, that this need falls off. I remember, that when I started teaching, 5 years ago, I totally stopped writing on my Russian blog. I had no energy for it, honestly. But also – I didn’t feel the need. But I really hope that I will not stop blogging this time!

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that I really enjoy my job. I guess, you have already noticed :)) I get the air under my wings after a class. I remember I had the same feeling when I was teaching German at a language school in my home town. It was 13 years ago. I had groups of kids, teens and adults. And classes with adults gave me that amazing feeling. Since then I wanted to become a teacher for adults, and when I came to Norway, my ambition was to become a professor of a subject I love.

I studied sociology, and I really liked it – but when the time came to write a master thesis, I fell off. I suddenly realized that being professor is not about teaching, it is about researching, and this is a very lonesome work. Add to it my insecure status of an immigrant in Norway, and I knew I would have difficulties finding a relevant job with a master degree in sociology. So I chose to quit my master and search for a teacher job. Which allowed me to stay in this country with a work visa. The work in the primary school was not my dream job, and gosh, so much stress there was for me, a new teacher. But when I look back, I really appreciate the experience it gave me. Among other things, it made me quite unafraid :)) After jumping into teaching arts and crafts or P.E. to a new class, without any experience of it, what can scare me now?:))

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that this affair of selling a flat is such a carousel. One day, tired of cleaning and fixing, I want to throw in the towel and say: “Gosh, let us just sell it as it is!” Another day, I would walk around our flat, looking at our sunny balcony, and sigh: “We have such a lovely place! It is heart-cutting to leave it to somebody else”.

And the more I think of moving out of Norway, the more Norway becomes nice, sweet and attractive to me. I used to complain about it so much! About the weather (of course), about the reservedness of Norwegians, about the tranquil vibe of this city… Now everything is just fine! I even enjoy the rainy days, with my cardigan, coffee cup and writing or reading! And the reserved Norwegians don’t bother me, and the city is ok. What happened? Did Norway turn its pretty side to me? Or is it a normal process or re-evaluating when you get the alternative of leaving/losing something?

Well then, the coffee is done and it’s time to get up and go about our daily business. Hope, there will be also some pleasure to it, not just routine.

How are you, guys? What’s cooking in your heads? What would you share if we were having coffee?

16 thoughts on “Late Summer Coffee

  1. You’re right that blogging and earning from it is not as easy as it sounds. I am glad that you’ve recognized how happy you are in your own job. I can’t imagine doing something that you hate on a daily basis.
    I work as a software developer and I love it! There’s so much to learn and grow in this field due to the ever changing technology. Plus I love that it’s flexible, gives me options of remote work and I don’t need to deal with people on a daily basis except the co-workers I work with. Oh are you leaving Norway? To where? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think when it comes to blogging, we buy into the idea of pink unicorns. Like – other jobs are jobs, you have to work, but blogging is such a breezy lifestyle :))) Well, bloggers have to look easy-breezy, I guess. That’s what they sell.
      Good to hear that you love your job. It sounds very technical, and it’s not for everyone I guess. Particularly I like your comment of “no need to deal with people” :)) We are all so different, and it’s good. I like dealing with people, even though they can be so unpredictable.
      Yes, it looks like I will leave Norway. We are planning to move to Barcelona where my man comes from.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. My thoughts resonate with yours. There’s a dark secret that most people fail to notice that blogging is much harder than the regular job because it needs lots of time which is not evident to everyone. Also, it is not a glamorous work anymore. The problem is that a large number of people think of quitting the job and traveling/ blogging. The reality is something else. I’m glad you are happy with your job.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree with you. Blogging is harder than a regular job, bc it is not as regulated as a regular job. There is a lot of entrepreneur spirit needed, and many factors can influence your success. I don’t know how people can bet everything on this kind of job, maybe, they start it as a side hassle. It looks like kids these days all want to become bloggers and influencers. Well well, they have to explore everything for themselves, this kind of lesson has to be learnt personally :))


      • Very valid points. Well only a few are able to make good money. I guess people are attracted to glamour associated with it. At least in India we don’t have too many successful ones to emulate. Of course the field is growing fast.

        Liked by 1 person

      • It is like boys here: everyone wants to become a football player and says “why do I need school?” One day they have to learn that this country doesn’t need that many football players, but other professions are still necessary :))


  3. Happy you found a fun job – ironical you will soon leave that too 😉 Maybe you are just getting nostalgic in advance?! 🙂
    I’ve been enjoying Finland more, too, thanks to finally seeing some sun. And my little boys make me so happy. All is good in my life and I’m grateful.
    As for blogging, I think they are two entirely different things: blogging for fun, as a hobby, and blogging as a job, for money. If it’s a hobby it should not feel like work, it should feel relaxing and inspiring. This is just my opinion of course! 🙂
    For me, I work in marketing (sort of) and knowing something about the blogging world is a good addition to my skills at work too. My real professional ambition is to get to write more (I already get to write copy and newsletters which I love doing, but I also have other tasks which I would like to get rid of and concentrate on just writing.) So my blogging hobby really goes hand in hand with my need to write and my wish to improve my writing. I think the more you write, the better. It gives you practice.
    So even if blogging is just a hobby, it can still be useful! And I think a lot of us hobby bloggers just want a creative outlet. What fun is it writing if no one reads it? Same with photos! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yeah, I think the same: it is kinda of ironic. But it’s better to go on the positive note, than on the bitter one. Also it is not a full-time job, so if I stayed I would have to find an additional job or another job.
      This summer has been so amazing and now it is still sunny and nice, which keeps my body chemistry totally happy. And that colors every experience. And yes, maybe, I am just nostalgic in advance. I will see how it will turn out in the end :))

      I agree with you that while blogging may not give the direct effect of making money online, there can be other professional habits. Like building your brand and presenting it on CV, or developing the writing skills. I view my blogging habit like this now. I enjoy writing just for myself, i.e. journaling, but it is also good to get a feedback and grow better. You practice and you get better, only this way. So that makes a lot of sense. It also gives an opportunity to structure one’s thoughts and understand better one self :))

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Ugh! I kept forgetting to comment on this post!

    It made me grin, because I think 180 degrees than you.
    I really believe blogging could replace my 9 to 5.
    Even though I do like my job now, I am not a 100% fan of my colleagues and I hate the 2.5 commute each day.
    But I do know it takes time to make a career out of blogging. I am not rushing it, but am taking it seriously.

    And maybe after a year, I will end up having the same mindset like you.
    Who knows!

    BTW, I really like these kind of “meeting up for coffee” post, so keep those in please 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • But you still managed it ;))
      Like we say here in Norway: we are all different, and it is good! I believe that everything is possible, but you have to put energy in it. And what is always worth doing is exploring one’s options. With an open mind. So go ahead and make your experience! You never know where you end up after a year!

      Oh, thank you for the feedback. I like coffee chats, but a I try to be more serious on this blog, hehe, I tend to forget to just do a catch up like that :))


  5. Indeed, blogging is work, even if you run the kind of blog I do, which is totally amateurish, free, independent and based on photography. I have the time and energy for it, since I’m more or less jobless, but I understand that if you have a job it can quickly turn into a burden.

    As for seeing the nice sides of Oslo and Norwegians now that you’re about to leave, it makes me smile. It wasn’t so bad to begin with, wasn’t it? 🙂 I guess that most of us secretly, or not so secretly, dream of something else. Which is not the nicest thing about us.

    In any case I wish you enjoy and embrace what lies ahead.

    Liked by 1 person

    • To be honest, I don’t know how people with full time jobs and/or kids can find time to do blogging. I also work part time, and have time to think and write and take photos. But when I have to step in and work full time, well then I just can come back to my couch, do some reading, etc -but not creating more, no, I have no energy for it.

      Haha, you know, it is never as bad or as good. It is our perception that makes it so. To begin with, I was very unhappy in Norway, so I saw every aspect of it in a negative light. But now I am fine here, and suddenly the country and its people turn its sunny side to me :)) But the reason is not in them, of course, I understand, it all comes from me now.
      Thank you for good wishes, Manja! May we all go in strength and gratitude and build this skill of enjoying life whatever happens :))

      Liked by 1 person

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